I'm back and yes, not my fault
Once a programmer, always a programmer and I've used "not my fault" statement number of times and almost always successfully so here I go again and explain why I'm busy so much that I'm not blogging....
Well, working on simulation needs altogether different understanding and though it looks like games in first go but it's much more than that and accuracy is so crucial that you nearly end up getting frustrated to get adjusted to the perfect world scenario portrayed by clients or deployment engineers. I was trying to adjust to this perfect world and it took helluva time.
It's not that I didn't crave to blog something during this time; I did but this new gmail thingie p*@#$d me off and I returned back without trying much. Today I got sufficient time to come here and setup my gmail stuff. Now I'm up and running....
I'll get back to my article writing spree soon as i.t. Magazine guys are asking me to write something. I'll also write about my experience with Chrome and UE3.
I'm also busy trying to push CMMi thing in our office but it's not effort intensive as I've been in that structure and can easily handle this.
I'll also work on one of my long pending project......will disclose when the right time comes.
Well, working on simulation needs altogether different understanding and though it looks like games in first go but it's much more than that and accuracy is so crucial that you nearly end up getting frustrated to get adjusted to the perfect world scenario portrayed by clients or deployment engineers. I was trying to adjust to this perfect world and it took helluva time.
It's not that I didn't crave to blog something during this time; I did but this new gmail thingie p*@#$d me off and I returned back without trying much. Today I got sufficient time to come here and setup my gmail stuff. Now I'm up and running....
I'll get back to my article writing spree soon as i.t. Magazine guys are asking me to write something. I'll also write about my experience with Chrome and UE3.
I'm also busy trying to push CMMi thing in our office but it's not effort intensive as I've been in that structure and can easily handle this.
I'll also work on one of my long pending project......will disclose when the right time comes.